EZ Food App

The EZ Food App is a mobile application that targets the reduction of food waste by giving users access to a large repository of short recipe videos.

Launch Prototype
  • Role
  • UX Researcher
  • UI Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Tools
  • Balsamiq Wireframes
  • Figma
  • Time
  • 5 months

Design Challenge

As a student, I identified that with the stress of studying on top of the build-up of responsibilities, that it becomes increasingly difficult to eat healthy, and even in attempts to do so, this usually ends up in food waste. My literary research had shown that $8.9 billion of food waste had been produced in Australia in 2018 alone, and this contributes largely to global warming.


  1. How can we reduce our food waste?
  2. How can we encourage people to cook at home and eat healthier?

Research - Interviews and Surveys

From our research, the recurring comments were:

  1. “I don’t really plan out my meals, so sometimes I waste ingredients”
  2. “I’m hesitant to try new things”
  3. “I like cooking with other people”


A female with glasses


This is Penelope, she struggles to balance her university studies, part time work and other responsibilities. Despite this, she tries to maintain a healthy diet by cooking at home, but in vain, she lacks the time and effort to cook dishes with the remaining ingredients in her fridge. She finds it easier to throw away the leftover ingredients in her fridge than to think of recipes that will use them.

office worker


This is Hunter, he often tries to cook for himself because he tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eating. However, he is usually lazy to cook and would rather scroll on social media than spend this time cooking. His girlfriend is his biggest motivation for him to cook, but when he does, he fails to plan accordingly and ends up with leftover ingredients that he doesn’t know how to use elsewise.


By creating an app that has a strong social media focus, we can easily attract users to engage with our product. The application acts a medium to help users find quick and easy recipes with a specific ingredient in mind. By modelling this application after other popular social media applications, we can generate a sense of familiarity with our users and creating a more compelling user experience.

To further this idea, users can connect with their nest hub device to follow along to recipes in real-time.


Hi-fidelity Mockups

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interact with the prototype below.

Check out the full prototype,
including nest features,

Launch Prototype