A website frame

Destination Website - Shirakawago

The goal of this project was to provide travel information for tourists planning their trip to Shirakawago, a small village in rural Japan. The website is an informational website, useful for users as a resource to look into topics of their interest.

Launch Website
  • Role
  • UI Designer
  • Web Programmer
  • Tools
  • Balsamiq Wireframes
  • Figma
  • Replit
  • Time
  • 5 months

Design Challenge

Shirakawa-go is a popular destination for tourists travelling to Japan. However, information on the village is segregated and users find it troublesome to go through so many websites to collect the information that they need.

The website will aim to provide information in a straightforward layout whilst maximising ease of navigation. The website’s design will utilise common Japanese themes such as red and white from the Japanese flag, and will use curved edges to soften the aesthetic, creating a more comfortable user experience.

UI Kit


Hi-fidelity Mockups


Through the use of grid layouts and flex-boxes, the CSS coding was intuitive and simple. HTML was also straightforward, with research and information collection consuming the most time in the process.  

The most difficult challenge that I faced was anchoring images in HTML to other sections on the website. Pictures on the "index.html", although responsive to mouse hovers, wasn’t able to navigate properly to subsequent pages. The problem was resolved through the help from the online coding forum, “Stack Overflow”. Valuable insights were also gained on how to restructure my code to better fit professional practice.  

HTML of the anchored image:

<a href="pages/about.html#gassho-houses">
    <img src="img/home/about/gassho_houses.png" alt="A Gassho home"/></a>

HTML of the anchor point in the website:

<h2 id="gassho_houses">Gassho Houses</h2>

Mobile UI Design

In designing for mobile interfaces, the lack of affordability a user would receive was taken into consideration as users are no longer able to hover over elements with their mouse as they would do on a computer.

Interactive elements needed to be designed in a way in which users would feel compelled to interact with them. To solve this problem, buttons were used to replace these affordances.

Visit Shirakawago,

Launch Website